Wednesday 6 November 2019

boba Tea and handmade Pasta

A very good thing it is, I tell you, that there are no rules when it comes to the pictures you take whilst out on dates with friends.

Because although it is now commonplace (even expected) to take group shots and wefies during said dates, some of us just look SO BAD that any wefie taken should be carefully kept in the archive- and never shown to the world- Forever.

Such is the picture that my lovely friend and I took on this particular weekend date that we had together.

And whilst I've not said anything thus far, I actually do feel very sorry towards her for ruining our memory picture with that resting bitch face of mine, and especially more so because that was certainly not how I was feeling that day.

We'd arranged to meet for coffee at this little place that sits somewhere between North Bridge Road and Jln Sultan, and although we did meet there, the place was so packed with the tunch crowd (they had waffles!) that we migrated to the more conducive boba tea place next door instead.

Sure, the tables were smaller, the vibe was different, and the dishes were not as fun, but there were fewer patrons, we could sit indoors, and we had the liberty to switch tables as and when we desired.

Over our orders of teas- one yuzu with a bit of jelly (hers), one brown sugar with pearls (mine)- we looked out at the Jln Sultan road traffic and happily chatted away.

If it sounds cliche to you, well, I'll just have to say that it was how it is. She's a friend whom I've known for over twenty years, and it is divine I always say, how we reconnected through Facebook, started chatting online over Messenger, discovered that we both have hippie spirits nestling somewhere within, were pretty open to yammering about our lives and dudes and all, and could do the serious sharing stuff and the fun stuff all at the same time.

We didn't do much shopping on this date- we're saving it for next- being such that it had been a long time since we met- over a year, in fact- and we kind of wanted to get together to (in my case) spill more beans on about how I'd been doing since one of the most difficult weeks in my life that occured only just this year.

She had been there.


And it is something I'm really, sincerely, very thankful for.

Many things we shared on that particular afternoon- she spoke, I listened, I spoke, she listened- and the hours just went past until it was nearly time for dinner.

We'd no idea what we felt like eating, and so in the midst of me checking out Eatigo (no, it's not a shoutout) and throwing out the names of my usual hangouts, we decided it be best that we simply walk along North Bridge Road and see what came along.

Yes, very hippie, I know! :)

So we did, and that's how we found ourselves at this pasta place where this picture above comes from. I can't remember the name, but it's tucked somewhere between the row of shop houses on North Bridge Road and has a very casual, cosy, drinks-set kind of vibe. A quick study of the menu (she's the chef type and so knows her ingredients) and she got the seafood on pasta served with a tomato base, whilst I got the prawns on pasta with one poached egg and a sauce of pesto. The pasta was handmade, and made without egg.

I took a mussel and a bit of pasta from hers.

She took a prawn and a bit of pasta from mine.

And then we talked some more. :)