Tuesday 22 October 2019

this little Bunny in a shop

A few months ago I walked past this pet shop in Jurong East, saw this cute little bunny, and although there's a sign there that says "No Photography", I stretched the rule a little by standing outside the shop, and zooming in for the photo.
It isn't something I usually do, honestly, but the sight of this bunny nibbling away on what looked like, um, a long blade of grass intrigued me. It wasn't just the fact that he was eating. It was the fact that his cheeks were so cute and his nose had this little twitch and he had these expressive, curious eyes that looked anywhere and everywhere all through his dinner.
You know how there are just some days where you can't help but be charmed by little sights like these?
Yeah, this must have been one of those- because on other days I would have walked right past- but this evening I stopped long enough to watch the bunny, squeal at his adorbs face, and take the picture.
I haven't had a pet for a long while.
We used to have a fish tank at home, a very pretty one, in fact, with pebbles and plants and a tiny little bridge, but it has been so long that I no longer remember what breed of fish it was we had, and I only recall the fish hiding under the bridge, the fish getting stuck to the filter, and The Parents finally giving away the tank to our neighbors who lived downstairs.
Maybe it is time to get a pet for myself.
I don't mind a dog or a cat, but I think I should begin with a smaller pet just so I can get used to having one in my life.
And I've been wanting a guinea pig (the breed with the mohawk) for the longest time.