Tuesday 29 October 2019

doing a Roadshow


In life there is always what we call a FIRST- and for this young skincare startup by the name of Skin Calories- this roadshow at Bukit Merah Central could most certainly be described as the Company's VERY FIRST.

An interesting time it turned out to be for the staff present on duty that day- because whilst we're used to setting up booths, hiring part-timers, and giving out flyers to the general public- it was the first that the (intimate) crowd would consist mostly of our neighbors- we said hi and hello to reps from the essential oils and the fitness industries- individuals from the organizer's company both male and female, and a couple of casual walk-ins who had made a special trip down just to see what this was all about.

Not that we minded- a roadshow is a roadshow- and if there be just one person who hears of the brand, and responds to it, hey, that's as good as any. Of course it all comes down to KPIs for Marketing Efforts, and honestly, if it were just one(!!) person we spoke to, then we'd get the end of a very heavy stick.

Thank goodness then, that our numbers turned out okay.

Especially since it was a mixed marketing approach we took where, on one hand, we had printout flyers listing down the benefits of a SkinCalories' membership, and on the other hand, digital content in the form of SkinCalories' own character-based 2D anime playing on repeat. And because everyone loves takeaways from shows like these, we prepared cute little cards detailing the company's background and Magda's story with a QR code attached to it.

The QR code was something we specially did for this show, and although it can be said to be "not too big" a deal (considering our tech background), what makes it significant is that it marks a start for all its potential when it comes to interactivity and augmented reality in the near future.

It was a very short roadshow- only just the morning- but I'm glad to say that we did manage to speak to a couple of people, we did get a couple of registrations, we got the Company out through word-of-mouth, and with a bit of potpurri and some props, our little booth didn't look too bad.

Plus I got two cups of machine-brewed coffee.