Wednesday 16 October 2019

in the (Setting) Sun

I'm not sure how this Mystery Thought will sit with people, but have y'all realized that there are some structures that look best in the glow of Singapore's setting sun?

Not that they don't look impressive at other times of the day- just that they seem to look more glorious when the soft light of the early evening sun shimmers upon their walls.

I know, I've been at this very spot, seeing this very same view, for many a day, but none have been as beautiful as this that I saw on this early evening as I walked down South Bridge Road towards City Hall.

This isn't the only place that throws forth such a view, by the way.

There's also the hexagonal structure at the junction of Orchard Road, and Scotts, and if you know where I'm talking about, yes, it is what used to be Dynasty Hotel, then Marriott Hotel, and now Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel.

Dont' believe me?

Go there around 6pm on a hot, clear day, stop just outside the main entrance, and look at the floor. You'll see what I mean.

Such a view, and such a Thought, is not limited by country, space, place, or time as well.

Because the very first time I had such a view, and such a thought, was when I was a good distance away from Singapore, in a palace, in downtown Seoul, in South Korea.

I remember that moment well.

Back then I had been (nonchalantly) wandering about the palace grounds when I made a turn, and suddenly right in front of me, was this wall of plain brick, that at other times might have just been a wall, but right now, today, on this winter's day, was illuminated magically by the soft slanting rays of a glorious late afternoon sun.

It was so beautiful it (literally) took my breath away- and I stopped.

Which marked the precise moment that the Mystery Thought came. :)

There're other places in the world, I'm sure too, that will throw forth such a view. Where they are, I don't know- the world is a big place- it might be in Manhattan, it might be in New Zealand, it might even be in the southern hemisphere- but one thing I do know.

We have to find it.

Or at least, we have to allow it to find us.

Because there's more to life than just the daily grind, and if we living beings communicate, why would not the earth- a large, living mass of energies and matter- communicate with us too?