Tuesday 16 April 2019

Libraries- a Place, a World

Ask anyone who knows me long enough what one of my favorite activities are and they will tell you that I'm a book reader. Loved ones also will gladly tell you that I'll always arm myself with some sort of reading material during familial visits on festive occasions.
 Come to think of it,  reading truly is a habit of mine. 

During Christmas lunch at an uncle's place near the old Railway Station, I sat at a corner near the window and flipped through copies of Reader's Digest that he had subscribed to. At an aunt's home in Australia, I discovered a copy of Jung Chang's Wild Swans on the shelf and sped through the thick book in two days, staying up till 2am so as to finish it before I left. And at my grandparents' I read and re-read a Literature book titled Lady Precious Stream that used to belong to one of my aunts- that day so happened to be Chinese New Year.

It ran in the family. I had relatives who were schoolteachers. My parents encouraged me. Even in curriculum, reading was encouraged- we had designated reading periods of half an hour on some days after morning assembly during primary, and my free periods during secondary were spent in the school library. The place was airconditioned- better than the canteen- and anyway there was no where else I could go to. 

It comes as no surprise then that I've frequented many a library in Singapore.

From the old Stamford Library to the ones in the 'hood, from Central Library and Esplanade Library to the new ones at the malls of Harbourfront and Orchard, I've been to them all. I don't know if there is a library that I've not been to. Maybe Sengkang... Every library has its charm, and some will tell you that they prefer one over the other.

For me, I don't have a preference- I like any location that has got adequate seating and maybe a good armchair (I like them compared to benches cos being the introvert that I am, I can curl up with my bag and my hoodie and keep my head down)

Libraries are reckoned to be places of quiet and places of friendly refuge for me. They are not just places for me to sit and read, they are places where I feel time drifts away whilst I'm being transported elsewhere. Where there's a library, I don't have to tire myself out walking around the shops, and I don't have to spend money (unless I want to) at coffee houses.

It has been a Thing of mine to do, and I've got seasons of variety.

At one time I read the Baby Blue comics a lot. After that came the book versions of popular movies- which I particularly relished as it made me feel like I were going into depth of the movie- and it didn't make a difference whether I watched the movie or not. Later I progressed to short stories and local fiction which I would borrow five at a time then read them over lunch. Then later still I fell in love with the writings of a crime writer from LA, a science fiction writer most famously known for his book on dinosaurs and an adventure writer who wrote lots and lots about maritime technology, espionage,  political intrigue, the mountains, treasures and the sea.

The library remains one of my most loved places, and loved ones know just where to find me when I'm killing time. It doesn't matter where I am- or even if I'm borrowing anything- chances are I'll just be hanging out there.  

Either sitting on a chair, or taking a wander amongst the Young People Fiction and the Children section where who knows, I just might take down whichever book that catches my eye.