Sunday 25 November 2018

when Life disrupts

Life is such: Have a semi-closed bottle of water in your bag, and within a matter of seconds, find yourself with a slightly soaked backpack, a semi-soaked wallet, a water splattered makeup case, and a bunch of waterlogged papers.

For the last couple of days I've had my papers arranged on the large table airdrying themselves out. Some sheets have developed grooves and furrows, others- important documents included- have furrows and are making crackly sounds. It's funny seeing some (very serious) papers washed in hues of pink and yellow from the colored ink runs.

Not so funny, though, is my poor little notebook that has a good part of nearly all its pages washed out in various hues of blue and a bunch of blurry words of which I can no longer see.

Consider the fact that this is a notebook of handwritten notes about work which has been done all through spring and summer, and it becomes quite a bummer.

But hey, that's life.

It is true that small little insignificant things can make life more disruptive than we expect, and oft begets the adage of "If Only...." There is always the element of regret, and sometimes, resentment towards the decision made. There is always the wish that you had not done what you did. Then there are the consistent thoughts that you wish you had done this, or not done that, or that you had been more careful, or that you had done things properly, and you find yourself wondering how diverse the outcomes would have been had you handled them differently.

Maybe that's why life in itself calls for a steady pace, a controlled, easy frame of mind that lives best being free from distractions, worries and dangerous outbursts.

Because one small distraction can lead to a much deeper consequence, a more prolonged impact, and can totally create disruption and chaos in one's whole life.

Thankfully my little accident resulted in just several inconveniences and awakened my sense of humor, but still...

What if I had not been so focused on my phone and checked to see if the bottle had been closed properly?

What if I had a proper plastic document case to protect my documents from such watery accidents?

What if I had closed my canvas document case properly instead of being lazy and leaving a slight gap open?

What if I had placed my backpack properly upright instead of placing it flat on my lap?

And what if I had a completely different design of water bottle that would close properly?

One watery accident, so many questions, with the answers still drying out there in the sun.