Monday 26 November 2018

keyboard Tragedy

Second time in a year this has happened, and trust me, I am not in a very good mood about it. For someone who uses her keyboard quite extensively, for someone who has a special obsession with how the keys underneath her fingers feel, and for someone who really loved how well fitted the keys on her Asus laptop were, having to resort once again to this black $12 keyboard with the super loud clickety sound is a blessing tinged with a bit of aggravation.
But there's nothing for it, not when my Asus keyboard is in an extremely sorry state with two keys warped (only two!),  two keys missing (also only two!) and none of the shops at Sim Lim Square have this particular size of keyboard in stock.
I was there this afternoon, scouting between the 3rd floor and the 5th. At first I thought it would be great and fine at this shop on the 3rd floor, and that I'd go back with a new keyboard and all, but lo and behold, after the dude unscrewed, removed, and unscrewed some more, at the moment when it was going to be nicely soldered back, he discovered that the actual size required was slightly smaller than the one he got.
Of which they didn't have the stock, and which I'd have to wait two weeks for. 
I didn't want to leave my poor battered keyboard there, so they put it back, connected it, soldered everything back, put back the case- and now I'm back to square one. -_-
By the way, don't ask me how the damage even happened.  I don't know. It just did. One day it was fine, next day it was not. Bleah.
And even though I don't like to whine, I think it rather unfortunate to stick the poor hapless customer with a $64 payment policy for diagnostics when they turn up at the service center. They are there needing to get a problem solved. It seems rather mean to make them pay for an 'expert opinion' not knowing whether they can get it solved there and then, or not.