Tuesday 27 November 2018

sashimi in Ichiban's Bowl


What looks like a fairly ordinary meal of thinly sliced salmon sashimi arranged in a circle over a bowl of Japanese rice is, to me, one of the most comforting and reassuring meals I can have on those days when I happen to be in town.
There is much one can order at Ichiban. They have the conveyor belt.  They have the seasonal offerings. They also have a pretty extensive menu, and although from time to time we get this set with beef, starters, chawanmushi and fruit included, more often than not, it is this bowl that we go for.
The slices are fresh enough for me. The rice is smooth enough for my liking. There's a generous accompaniment of sesame oil of which I always request for extras, and then there's also miso soup with cute little cubes of tofu and seaweed swimming about inside.
Yes, a satisfied diner am I with this meal, and a happy one I am too. 
See, I'm not an elaborate diner. I don't really like to think about my meals when I am eating them. I just like to savor the taste, the experience, the feels, the texture, the quality, enjoy whatever it is that I'm putting in my mouth, and that's it.
I don't need fanciful arrangements (although I appreciate the art), I don't need overly attentive service (although it is nice to have someone see you when you need a glass of water), and I'm afraid I fall within the category of diner who expresses so little interest in the wheres, hows and whys of her food that being bombarded with a gamut of knowledge whilst I'm eating is too overwhelming for me.
I like my meals wholesome, no frills, and simple.
And something like this, affordable, enjoyable and tasteful in a casual, light, vibrant environment hits all the right notes for me. :)