Air-flown! |
So when I got this, a lovely, lovely, thoughtful gift from someone brought all the way from Taiwan, I was like... "Awwwww!!!!!" Because it is a huge, huge blessing when someone remembers that somewhere in your posts and your life you've said you lurrrve sweet potatoes.
Thank you, to you; receiving it means a great, great deal to me.
Also, extremely embarrassing, because we hadn't said anything about exchanging gifts and so I hadn't prepped anything that day other than getting very excited cos' hey, gals do what gals do.
I finished it in one sitting, by the way.
Opened the bag, brought out one piece, crunched on it. They're really crisp, yet somewhat light. And I did it over and over again all through the game of Monopoly that I was playing. Snacks really do make you think better and play better. :)
The last time I played with my game partner, I sustained heavy losses. Broke, asset-less, house-less.
This time, with the aid of the crunch, the layer of taste over each chip, that powdery, powdery feel on the tongue, the hint of sweetness that combines natural sweetness, a very light touch of something tangy and bright, and the fact that I could chomp happily on pieces big, small and very small, I did better. Got a waterworks, an electric company, a couple of land parcels, a house or two, collecting rent from the game partner, and could still mortgage a couple more land parcels for more land. :) :)
The wonders of what snacks, and favorite ones, can do for you.