You'd think this is a star.
And it does look a little like one.
Except that it can be a compass as much as it can be a star- if you would look at it in its entirety.
What we see is a compass half its size, and we know not which direction it is guiding us towards. We know not whether we're facing the north or south or northeast or southwest. We know not where we should be standing that we would face the right direction, or at least, the direction that we want to go in.
In fact, it can feel like we've already arrived at the destination... and yet, we have not. Or, it can feel like we haven't even started and we're merely at the beginning point.
So if we're not at the beginning nor at the end nor in the center of the whole compass, then WHERE EXACTLY ARE WE?
In fact, it can feel like we've already arrived at the destination... and yet, we have not. Or, it can feel like we haven't even started and we're merely at the beginning point.
So if we're not at the beginning nor at the end nor in the center of the whole compass, then WHERE EXACTLY ARE WE?
This is the very question that Miss Brown is still likely asking of herself.
Sometimes we can measure events by the Cause and Effect, We can tell ourselves that because we did this and this and that, so this and this and that happened. And though we may not fancy whatever has taken place, it is actually very reassuring when we can place logic to the game.
That assurance was denied for Miss Brown.
For her, incidents that seemingly were Cause and Effect were eventually revealed to be not. She did not even have the assurance of the Domino Effect. With the Domino Effect, you can at least tell yourself that this led to this, and then this led to this, and so on.
Miss Brown doesn't know what it was that was dumped upon her.
One day she was living her life like any other senior citizen would. The next day, everything- her health, her living, her life, her history, her evidence of living- was in shambles.
One day she thought she had some sort of security. The next day, that security- her world as she knew it- was destroyed. Little by little, bit by bit, and if we were to ask today whether she feels that world still exists, Miss Brown probably wouldn't know how to give you a direct answer anymore.
No, there was no compass for her. There was no direction that she should, or could have followed so that the Effect would not have happened. There were no steps that she can tell herself that she should have undertaken.
Instead, she found herself imprisoned in the center of a ferocious, murky, stinky whirlpool that overwhelmed her and choked her and threatened to drown her and debilitate her and destroy her. A whirlpool that wrapped itself around her and refused to dissipate but instead gained strength even as she struggled and fought to get out of the mire.
Sometimes we can measure events by the Cause and Effect, We can tell ourselves that because we did this and this and that, so this and this and that happened. And though we may not fancy whatever has taken place, it is actually very reassuring when we can place logic to the game.
That assurance was denied for Miss Brown.
For her, incidents that seemingly were Cause and Effect were eventually revealed to be not. She did not even have the assurance of the Domino Effect. With the Domino Effect, you can at least tell yourself that this led to this, and then this led to this, and so on.
Miss Brown doesn't know what it was that was dumped upon her.
One day she was living her life like any other senior citizen would. The next day, everything- her health, her living, her life, her history, her evidence of living- was in shambles.
One day she thought she had some sort of security. The next day, that security- her world as she knew it- was destroyed. Little by little, bit by bit, and if we were to ask today whether she feels that world still exists, Miss Brown probably wouldn't know how to give you a direct answer anymore.
No, there was no compass for her. There was no direction that she should, or could have followed so that the Effect would not have happened. There were no steps that she can tell herself that she should have undertaken.
Instead, she found herself imprisoned in the center of a ferocious, murky, stinky whirlpool that overwhelmed her and choked her and threatened to drown her and debilitate her and destroy her. A whirlpool that wrapped itself around her and refused to dissipate but instead gained strength even as she struggled and fought to get out of the mire.