Wednesday, 20 September 2017

flowers, flowers, Flowers!

I need to take more pictures of flowers.
I need to stop and smell the roses a bit more.
With all that's going on these days, it's so easy to forget to stop, look at a flower and take a picture.
Which was why I was really, really happy when a friend nominated me for a Nature Photography Challenge on Facebook where I had to post a picture of Nature, past and present, every day for a week. It made me stop and go rummage through my old albums and repost pictures, and when I wanted some more, I dug out the camera, whipped out the phone and snapped off a couple of shots.
The last time I really went to purposely go and take picture of a flower was during Lunar New Year. That's way too long ago. Way too long.
bright pink
pink? fuchsia?
But I didn't use to only take pictures at the flower festivals.
I used to take pictures of them everywhere and anywhere. Like when walking in a park. Like when they were part of a floral arrangement in a building. Like when they were well-wishes at a store opening.
the hibiscus


some really bright flower

some store's opening
Yeah. I really should.

I really should stop and look at the ixoras and the bougainvilleas all over again. I'm missing out, man. I'm missing out on admiring one of God's loveliest beauties ever created on the face of this Earth. :)