I need to take more pictures of flowers.
I need to stop and smell the roses a bit more.
With all that's going on these days, it's so easy to forget to stop, look at a flower and take a picture.
Which was why I was really, really happy when a friend nominated me for a Nature Photography Challenge on Facebook where I had to post a picture of Nature, past and present, every day for a week. It made me stop and go rummage through my old albums and repost pictures, and when I wanted some more, I dug out the camera, whipped out the phone and snapped off a couple of shots.
The last time I really went to purposely go and take picture of a flower was during Lunar New Year. That's way too long ago. Way too long.
bright pink |
pink? fuchsia? |
But I didn't use to only take pictures at the flower festivals.
I used to take pictures of them everywhere and anywhere. Like when walking in a park. Like when they were part of a floral arrangement in a building. Like when they were well-wishes at a store opening.
the hibiscus |
hydrangeas |
some really bright flower |