Saturday 27 July 2019

bike to the Jetty

There are some days when you just must go to the sea. You don't know why, you don't know what it will do for you, but you just go- if nothing more than for a change of environment.
That's how it was for me on this weekend afternoon when I took Daffy out for a quick spin. Her tyres needed a pump of air, so over to the gas station I first went, before heading down Joo Chiat Road, across Marine Parade Road, into the housing estate, and down the underpass across to East  Coast Park.
More often than not I choose to head towards the Bedok Jetty section. Not only is the route longer, there is more scenery, there are more trees, more ships, and the route is more lively. 
This particular afternoon the skies were blue, the winds were balmy, everyone along the shore was having a fun time, and so I decided I'd not continue with the ride after reaching Bedok Jetty. To do so would mean reaching the end of East Coast Park where the Tanah Merah Canal lies, and I didn't feel like going so far.
Today was a day that I wanted to space out. Today was a day that I wanted to look at the waters, to count the ships anchored in the horizon, to breathe and to be thankful for the presence of rolling waters and sea winds so wonderfully close to me.