Monday 18 March 2019

the devil Within

I posted this on Facebook just today.
"Let me make one thing clear. I do NOT support Satanism. There is no question. However in light of Watain, I read part of their lyrics- and can I say that I know of at least a few whom, though outwardly, appear decent and upright, could well be singing the same words inside?
These are the same who either year on year wish for their own loved ones to die, or a her who closed the door of her room in the middle night, and told her stroke-affected mother to sleep three days- hoping she would die.
So they didn't smear blood or sing stuff like "f**k your Jewish god" but if you ask me, they have evil in them all the same.
A Satanist is not only one who worships Lucifer. A Satanist is also one who harbours ill intent and premeditates on cruelty and murder on the inside.
On the same note, I know of a "Hail Satan" dude (he is not a Satanist, that I well know) who offered help to a bro when that bro had no one to turn to."
You know something?
Everything that I have written here is true. Hard as it might be to believe, you have to know that there are indeed such souls in the world who have given themselves over to the devil.

Theirs is not like demonic possession a la The Exorcist, nor is it like the terrifying sights from the horror movies. You will not see maniacal smiles, or vacant, staring, soulless eyes. Nor will there be strands of wet, hanging hair, dismembered limbs, or rotting, decomposing flesh and skin. 

They are normal people- human beings who look just like you and I.

Oh, they have no make up too. So if you were expecting them to be dressed in funereal black and aggressive silver studs with  bloodstained lips, mascara-lashed eyes and a face painted goth white, I'm sorry, they probably use skin toned face powder and regular lip stick the same brand that you use.

Yet their tongues are lying, their souls are black and their hearts are full of evil and malicious intent.

How else can it be that a person can continue to celebrate the birthday of a loved one year after year after year when it is whispered that it is the person's hope for each birthday cake to be the last, and each birthday song to  be the final?  

And how else can it be that a person would deliberately shut the door of her room in the middle of the night after having heard her mother call, and then later tell her to sleep off her stroke, in three days she would be well.  

I should know.

I've met them.

They are the ones who betray their own families, who sell out their parents and siblings for the sake of bringing about destruction to the whole family- except themselves.

They are also the ones with the crocodile tears, who lie, who manipulate, who pretend, who control and who have such a foul smell about them that even the walls where they live in crack in extrme self-destruction.

You want to talk Satanism and the devil within?

That's them.

Even if they don't look the part- for remember, the devil is not only about satanic symbols and seances and oujia boards and the spilling of blood. Those are obvious. You know to stay away from them with the wide, staring eyes and man's voice in the girl.

But it is those that aren't obvious that I think are the scariest. Because we can never see the heart. We don't know the heart. Nor do we know the intentions. The devil is about lies, manipulation, hypocrisy, lies and dark, dark, fearsome cruelty and evil.

And they are there.

They sure are there.