Monday 11 March 2019

pretty foods: Ice Kachang

There are only two pictures of this local dessert from the entire collection of last year. What it means is that for the whole length of twelve months, the only occasions that I had ice kachang stand at the glorious number of two.  

It's embarrassing. 

I really should have it more.
Because if the Taiwanese have their snow ice, and the Koreans have their bingsoo, I should say that ours is just as charming too.

Should it not be?

As the successor of the now-very-retro ice ball, ice kachang is one dessert that can be found in every hawker centre, every major food court, and there is nothing more appealing in our hot, humid climate than to have a bowl of grated ice doused liberally with colourful syrups, condensed milk, the ubiquitous gula melaka and with agar agar, red beans and atap chee swimming underneath.

The argument from certain quarters has been that unlike bingsoo and snow ice that use milk, fruits and natural ingredients with lots of crispy, crunchy bits, ours is more of syrupy, sugary sweet. 

But consider that we have the distinct taste of gula melaka, plus the wonderful addition of red beans and atap chee, and I think we have that little hint of natural, healthy goodness too. ;)