Tuesday 5 March 2019

Garlic Butter by Hungerlust

So I like garlic butter, and I know of many who like the same, but here's the funny thing- for all the benefits there are in garlic, and for all the varieties of butter out there in the market, it is incredibly hard to find good garlic butter in the regular supermarkets! 

Maybe there are some in the special grocery stores, but save for the Irish Kerrygold that I've found on the shelves of Cold Storage and Mustafa, variety of brands there just aren't.
And so when I found out that a friend of mine was offering homemade garlic butter as a sort of hobby under her personal Hungerlust brand, I ordered two.  
The plan was to have it with slabs of steak during the Christmas season and as a spread to go with breakfast breads. Sad to say I still haven't had a chance to try it with steak- we totally didn't cook beef at all during the holidays- but the garlic butter was fantastic with bread.
We finished a whole jar in less than two weeks. And that was because we did a very thick layer over store-bought milk bread each morning for the rich garlicky taste, the salt of *real* butter, and the loads and loads of chopped garlic found inside.