Monday 2 July 2018

I've been Busier

June marks a month with one of the fewest blogs ever for the year of 2018 thus far. It's not that I've nothing to say. I do. But all the blogs have to take a backbencher if things become busy, and in the last month, they have become busier.

Beside the usual cycle of emails and meetings and discussions, there has been more deliverables, there have been more phone calls, and there is now a script for a digital comic that I've been fully occupied on. Add to that the books that I borrowed from the library, (and haven't finished), the bike rides that took up my weekends, and the 30-episode Chinese drama that enthralled me sufficiently much that I watched it twice...

Well, that's where all the hours went to. :)

Let's hope July will have more blogging time. After all, I'm someone who really does have a lot to say, and what better place is there to say it all than this platform right here? :)