Tuesday 17 July 2018

a ride of Pure Rage

We began in the early afternoon.
The plan was that we'd bike to Serangoon, get an errand done, then afterward bike up to Woodlands Jetty via Punggol PCN and Yishun.
Except that by the time we were done with the errand and finished lunch, it was almost half an hour to tea time.
Nevertheless, we went ahead.

Up along Upper Serangoon Road, down the very long slope at Kovan, into Hougang Ave 10 and Ave 6 and then turning into Punggol Park and the Punggol PCN where it was a smooth, scenic ride along the Serangoon River with smooth, calming waters in sight and lots of lovely green trees about.
We got to Lorong Halus pretty easily, but from here we decided to make a pivot to our plans. Instead of heading up north, we decided we'd go eastwards to Changi Village, so we turned into that little narrow road that separates Punggol from Pasir Ris and which is often pitch dark at night towards Pasir Ris Farmway where the doggies and puppies are.

Quite a novelty it was taking the Farmway in broad daylight; I got to see sights I'd never seen before, like all the cars parked outside the puppy farms, and the volunteer walkers steadily walking their packs.

From there we headed straight right through Pasir Ris, passing by Downtown East, coming up to Pasir Ris Drive 12 (I think), turning  left into the industrial estate of Loyang, and then up Loyang Way before finally reaching Changi Village- but not before accidentally missing a right turn and finding ourselves almost at the entrance of the Police Coast Guard. -_-

We made a quick stop here at the hawker center for a coconut each- I wanted the chendol actually, patted the cats roaming about happily there, and we were back on the road, heading east via TMCR.

Now, the TMCR route is one of the longest, and most boring routes I've ever tried, and trust me, if you're not the chugging marathoner type of cyclist, this route will bore the s*** out of you. Really, it will. Ask my Co-Rider.

I've never known of a cyclist who can drift off mentally, or 'stone' whilst riding the bike, but apparently this is a skill that my Co-Rider can pull off quite well, so we played riding games all through the ride, until I realized there was still some distance to go but we had an appointment to adhere to, so we sped things up, going as fast as we could, and I found myself spinning my legs like a deranged woman driven by pure rage (at I don't-know-what) all the way from the Tanah Merah Canal back to the main starting point.

Two hours it took us in all. :)