Wednesday 11 July 2018

goodbye my Lenovo

For someone who is sentimental about her stuff, and who keeps them with her long after they've outlived their usefulness, letting go of this Lenovo laptop was, surprisingly, not something very difficult to do.
After all, she had already long outlasted her (electronic) time.
Very seldom it is, in fact, never has it been, that I've used a laptop until the keyboard curves upwards on me, but that's just how it was when I decided that this Lenovo had to go. That wasn't the only problem with her. By then she'd already lost three quarters of her keyboard, one port, as well as her only USB port.
The shaking USB port was the final straw.
Because whilst I could do with one less port, and I could connect an external keyboard via USB, not having the function of the USB port meant that not only would I not be able to use the keyboard or the mouse, I would also not be able to connect my HDD and save my documents- the most important action of all.
If  that were so, of what help would my poor Lenovo be to me, then? :(
I've since said goodbye. 
And I wouldn't say that the process of saying goodbye was entirely chuck-and-go. After all, I'm a sentimental one even when it comes to electronic gear, and she'd been so much a part of me in the last couple of years through times good and bad.
As it is, I'm thankful for her.
I'm thankful for the companionship we've had together. She helped me earn moolah. She helped me keep my entertainment. Through many a meeting, many a presentation, many a document and many an email, she'd been there right beside me,  day by day, chugging patiently through it all. As basic as she is- for a gear- honestly, what would I have done without her?