Wednesday 11 July 2018

hello Asus

Earlier on, I wrote about having had to say goodbye to my faithful Lenovo. What I forgot to say was how much of a miracle it was that she hung around for so long, and how thankful I am that she didn't blimp out totally on me as electronics are wont to do.

Still, when it comes to work gear, when one goes, one comes, yes?

So, here we go.

The Asus don't-know-what-number. (I don't check lar)

She's (yes, they're all female) a simple laptop, without much frills or space or fanciful software or fantastic touchscreen capabilities, but I think she's good enough for my needs and pretty apt for much of what I do. I'm just thankful for her, she's running well, I've got an SD card for the longish documents, and I'm trusting that whatever swings by with her will be happy, successful, smooth-sailing and blessed. :)