Monday, 7 August 2017

sage green Booooots

I like the sound the 'ooooo' makes. :P
There're times when I'm cray like that... and I get especially cray over stuff that make me especially cray.

Stuff like Glitter Nail Polish. Or Lip Balm. Or Wide Legged Pants. Or Messenger Bags. Or Studded Backpacks. Or Perfume. Or Hoodies. Or Sweaters. Or Sneakers. Or ice cream. Or Boots.

Like these sage green ones from Reebok that I ordered online and which came one sunny afternoon four years ago. :)
multi-purpose. multi-style
It's been that long, and they're like one of the bestest buying choices I've ever had. 
High top, big tongued with a zipper at the side for convenience and speed *easy on, easy off*, they've brought me places. They've brought me all round Singapore on a bike. They've brought me on the Green Corridor on a bike at night in near darkness with only a tail light and a front light for company. They've brought me to countries near and far.  They've kept my feet cool in 34-degree weather and kept them warm in 2-degree weather. They've held their ground when I've had to make sudden stops.

They're light, with some sort of composite material that protects my feet and my toes and because they don't have those metal thingies, I don't set any bells off when I clear security checkpoints at airports. :)
Style-wise, they're as much me as they can be. When you're someone who will topple when you're dressed up, when you're someone who cannot hold your balance in a pair of gorgeous (but dangerous) heels, there're just only so many styles that you can get away with.
Camouflage is one of them.

I've worn them to business black-tie events where there were beautiful ladies and well-dressed participants and it was business glamour and diplomatic representatives standing around.

And though Camouflage style was quite a rule-breaker at that event, and I know it wouldn't do for every event, I suppose I'd like to think of personal style as just that- individualistic personality pulled together with propriety, wit, structure and a touch of whimsy. 
Where just a wee bit of mud on camo boots certainly builds the style factor up rather than tear it down. :)