Saturday, 26 August 2017

reset And repeat

At long last, we're getting the show on the road. Okay, I gotta be more specific here. I'm getting the show on the road. We haven't quite started the basic cogs moving yet for this one.
Or maybe we have.
Depends on how you see it.
Admittedly it has taken too long a time. From the time when I was first told of a 'simpler' approach in 2012-2013, it has taken four years before I feel like we're going somewhere. There was all the research in the beginning which felt like it was heading in a particular direction but yet didn't have a central arc that made it feel like the dots were connected. But it made for great character study anyway, and there was some sort of integration being discussed, which I didn't quite know it was integration until much, much later.
I guess it was just a sort of natural approach to me; to see things in a slightly different perspective, to place significance (and hopefully, sponsorship) into the bargain, to focus on people and lives and tales and to be a straight-out sort of storyteller. What I didn't realize was just how disruptive that was to be. Still, there was the first revamp done in the summer of 2014, followed by plenty-plenty-plenty-plenty of rewrites following after.
How many notebooks and papers I've stored (for the sake of storing), I don't know. I haven't actually counted. I don't want to count them.
But we're pat down now. I don't foresee any further alterations. Sure, we could go deeper in some parts and build more flesh into the skinny frame before muscling it out entirely, but at least I think I've got the frame and features on paper.  It's all sorted out, more or less, we've found the voice, we've established the 'reasons' for them doing what they do, and if there're more reasons, they'll pop up along the way anyway.
I'm pretty stoked about this story. Not because it's, like, oh, I've got a Good Story. But because I think this is a narrative that's waiting to be told. It is not a narrative that is often spoken about at ease. It is not a narrative that is a commonplace topic either, despite how commonplace it actually is. Neither is it something absolutely fantastic and bombastic and outta this world. Hollywood's already done all of that. What it is, though, is a narrative that has been around, is around, and will be around for some time and I'm stoked to just even have the hope of seeing it come to Light of Day.
And I'm sincerely hoping that my financiers and funders keep seeing it the same way I do too... despite the interim four long years. :) Iffff it helps, and I'm being presumptuous here, another Story popped up along the way, but hey, that'll be a wee bit of time further, I'd say. :)