Tuesday, 12 July 2016

action Action time

Got it there, finally, I'm glad to say, despite the fact that whatever is banged in still remains as it is- a draft- one that needs to be amended and corrected and revised and amended and revised again and added upon and taken away until the final copy is completed and ready to meet the world.

I've changed it a few times.

Because each time there is this nagging suspicion that it isn't good enough and sure, it really isn't good enough when you sit down and ponder on it and chew on it.

You don't stop thinking of what you're doing. You don't quit leaving where you left the poor elderly lady, even if she's been going backwards and forward through the corridors and courtyards and sat on the same bench and rehashed through her "traumatic" scenario over and over and over again whilst talking to the same person over and over and over again.

I'm feeling so bad about this that I feel like I've gotta apologize to her for putting her through this s***. And hopefully she'll look at me with kind, understanding eyes when I tell her that I'm getting there.