Monday, 8 January 2024

Steppyhouse In The Light

It was a particularly warm summer when we moved into Steppyhouse and began settling down. 

And because I wasn't able to have as many pictures as I wanted, I was determined that I'd take new ones whenever I could after things were more or less in their place and when I had the energy and the time. 

Let's just say that I got energized one bright sunny weekday morning, and so out came the phone, and here we are.

Beautiful, aren't they?

Okay, so the house doesn't exactly look like this now- certain shifts have been made- I moved a couple of things around and there're several cartons of POLAR mineral waters under the shelf where our plates and bowls are- but the place more or less looks the same. 

Our patio- with a bit more bird poop on the floor- still looks like a builder's yard. Nothing's changed.

Our balcony still has got the Decathlon camping chairs but what with the rain these several weeks I've shifted them further to the back corner where chances of them getting drenched are much lesser. Even the cat cushions have been shifted to the shelf behind so that they don't get soaked so much and I can still hug them when I'm on the balcony in the mornings and late evenings. 

My desk too more or less looks the same.

The black shelf is still there, the bell on the shelf is still there, the light and the stationery box is where it still is, and I've not shifted the position of any of those books either. Perhaps it's a little messier than what it used to be couple of months ago, but it's not hard to move things back to where they belong, and I'm very sure I'll have my desk looking the same way as it is right now in no time.

I love Steppyhouse.

I love how restful she is. 

And I'm so thankful for her. 

Doesn't matter if she's beginning to look more and more lived in. 

That's what a house is for. 

Because, now, for the first time in a long while I've got chilly northern winds blowing through the open windows and the open balcony door. 

There are days where the winds come in from the east (where the balcony faces). There are days where the winds come in from the northwest. There are days where the winds come in from both.

I open the windows.

I open the door. 

Sure, the curtains flap right up in my face and random receipts get blown off the table scattering all over the floor. 

But I don't care.

It's lovely to have a place to call home, filled with the scents that I appreciate and the things that I love. 

And I hope to have them as long as I wish to, with peace, reassurance and restfulness day by day by day.