Sunday 17 September 2023

Laksa @ Bedok Interchange

Most people I know will not take a picture of their (unbranded) laksa bowl at an (unbranded) eating place, much less write a post about it. 

But if you're anything like me who loves laksa- for its gravy- and who hasn't had it for a long time, thanks no thanks to the diet, trust me, you will take a pretty little picture, you will post about it, and you will write a little something about it as well. 

To be honest I can't tell whether or not this bowl of laksa was a good one. 

I just eat. 

But I so happened to be at Bedok Bus Interchange this particular afternoon, and because we were rolling for time, we decided that it better to have a quick lunch at their canteens instead of trying to find the lift to get to the restaurants in Bedok Mall below. 

There arent' many places at Bedok Bus Interchange where one can sit down comfortably and have a meal.

There's one cai fan place tucked behind an unobtrusive door that I heard is exclusive for the bus drivers.

There's a nasi padang/nasi lemak place that catches my eye every time I'm there because they always have mountains of fried bee hoon, fried kuay teow and fried noodles on display. 

Further on nearer to the back there's a bakery, and a second cai fan place that also offers coffee and which anyone can go sit down.

We thought we might go to this cai fan place, but then the bus berth we were going to was nearer to the nook of a wall called You Tiao Mei, so we settled for this instead.

You Tiao Mei is known for their local desserts, their fried snacks and their offerings of chicken curry, laksa, mee siam and the like. 

I was so tempted to have their fried snacks, I tell you. 

The hum chim pang, the goreng pisang and the butterfly looked sooooo good. 

But one must have a proper meal at lunch time especially if you're going to be pushing a wheelchair around, so laksa it was. 

Shall I say it was good?


Never mind that they didn't have hum.

There was a huge portion of thick bee hoon, there were slices of fish cake and a small prawn (I think) somewhere beneath all that soup. 

The bowl might not have been chock full of huge ingredients like some other (branded) places do, but for a great affordable price of $5, it filled me up, it was satisfying, and yes, I drank up all the soup.