Wednesday 12 October 2022

Little Walk By The River

It's been often said that sunshine, water, sky and fresh air will do a person loads of good.

So this afternoon I stepped away from what I was doing and went out for a breather. 

I didn't know where I was going.

I didn't care.

So my feet took me over this side of the Singapore river that we call Clarke Quay. 

At first I did not know what I was looking for. 

Neither did I know what I was looking at. 

But life is such where it just comes upon you and you end up seeing things you weren't thinking of seeing.

After a bit of a stone (stare) at the long-refurbished godowns, the cool grey sky and the bumboats, I actually began looking at the space around me. 

First thing that halted my steps was this view from the back of a tree not too far from the steps and the water's edge.

Greenery does let you see things a little differently. 

It also gives your spirits a bit of a boost, such that instead of sitting at the edge of the steps as you originally intended to, now you decide to keep going and walk about just a little bit more. 

I went onto the bridge- of which I do not know its name. 

Here, however, instead of looking forward- I spun around and looked back. 

It's strange, but it isn't every day that I stop to take notice of sights such as these. 

Even though I've walked past it (and the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant) a couple of times, I've never stopped to take notice of the roofs, the windows, the colorful pillars along the bank or even the sheltered tent canopies belonging to the restaurants housed inside. 

But today I did. 

And all of a sudden I wondered if these same structures could be found elsewhere. 

Here's the interesting bit.

We're an island but have never really been an island, so I'm pretty sure somewhere in the world there're dockside buildings which look like these, but right now, at least, to me, I'm seeing them here on the banks of the Singapore River, with Merchant Road on one side, overlooking the waters of the river on the other. 

A particular section of this building gave me pause. 

I kept thinking of the European, and/or the Mediterranean. 

Couldn't quite place it but it might have been the roof.  

Or the bright red flowers carefully planted in front. 

I don't know. 

Am not giving it much thought (now) either. 

Maybe one day- when my time is freer and my mind is clearer.

See, we now live in a season where- if we give ourselves time, and stop- just stop- we'll actually be able to see just how big the world was, how big the world is, and how big our own world can be. 

There'll be surprises everywhere. 

I didn't get to take a very long walk that day. 

But it was enough. 

The circuitous route brought me a bit of a breather- I managed to take in new perspectives, new sights- and I'll simply say (with a smile) that I'm thankful, and I'm glad.