Sunday 26 July 2020

The Very Messy Blog

Out of all the blogs that I have had since I started blogging about 14 years ago, this one really has to take the cake for being the messiest, and the most colorful. 

It wasn't deliberate. 

I did not wake up one morning and decide that hey ho, I'll change the format of my blog such that one part will have articles beginning with pictures, and the other will have articles beginning with words.

Neither did I go and muck around with the font colors to make it such that some articles would have paragraphs of green above and below whilst  paragraphs of brown would be strategically slotted right between. 

These things just happened. 

Okay, so maybe I did forget that once upon a time I had intended to begin my articles with words and not pictures. 

And maybe when I migrated the blog over from IE 11 to Chrome I did attempt to play around with the font colors because during that transition period, Blogspot only had green-no brown- and I thought that font color selection up there on the bar was going to be permanent.

Of course, what happened is that I clicked on an article from 2018 and lo and behold, there was a paragraph of words right up on top followed by the series of pictures below.

And Blogspot has migrated everything over to their new platform, including the font color selections that contain two shades of brown. 

Now, I could make a U-turn and restructure my blog articles- but we are in the third quarter of this year and to make them all centralized I would have to go back all the way to (I think) the middle of last year.

I don't have time.

So I shall just keep it as it is and accept that there are times in our lives when we make bumbly boo-boos and it is happier for our souls that we would stop aiming for perfection but embrace those boo-boos with light-hearted, cheerful glee.