Saturday 11 July 2020

the CB diet: More Takeaways

You know you're an introverted soul when the sight of these pictures start giving you serious nostalgic vibes. 

I didn't think I would miss my takeaways this much.

But apparently I do. 

Is it the comfort of having my meals in the quiet of my own home? Is it the ease of being able to just eat and converse without having to hear the conversations of diners close by? Is it the joy of eating out of takeaway boxes- an experience which I find incredibly fun? 

Whatever it is, I'm actually missing the way I had these meals during the circuit breaker. For some reason lunch and dinner times seemed slower, the food tasted nicer and I learnt to appreciate the aesthetics of some meals better. 

Now first I have to say that I'm not usually particular about garnishing and plating. I'm a street food kind of person. As long as the food is presented neatly and with that bit of appetizing vibe, I'm good. It matters not to me about about the pattern of the plate or the nicely carved carrot at the side (unless I've paid astronomical prices for it) 

But shall we say that I got suitably impressed when my meals from Ichiban turned up looking appetizing and aesthetically beautiful even though they were served in a plain-looking, inexpensive plastic bowl? 

Shall we say too that I loved how the servers arranged the roast duck as neat as they would have on their plates in their restaurant, and that it felt no different picking up the piece from the plastic tray as I would have from their plate?  

Every takeaway I had during the circuit breaker was memorable. 

Whether it was the green curry beef, the tom yum soup, the tom kha soup or the pad thai from a Thai restaurant somewhere in Beach Road, whether it was the dim sum from Swee Choon, the XO roast duck rice from Tembeling, or the salmon don from I-can't-recall-where, I really loved them all- and I won't hesitate to do a Grab for any of these again.