Monday 28 January 2019

pretty foods: Salted Egg Yolk Sotong

This dish has to be my new all-time favorite at the zichar stall.
Yes, we have had salted egg yolk crabs, salted egg yolk prawns, and salted egg yolk sotongs for quite a while now, but it is the sauce, I think, that pushes the flavour of these dishes up a few notches more.
The sauce makes the seafood creamier, rounder, and overall, nicer.

What's funny though, is that you can never know where the good dishes of the zichar repertoire are until you actually get down  to the stall and try them out for yourself.
Mind, it doesn't necessarily have to be at the restaurants of favourable repute. They're a safe bet, for sure, and they've got all the great vibes, but some of the best zichar dishes I've had have actually been found at a random stall in a random coffee shop in some random neighbourhood.

It would not have occurred to me that this small, cramped coffee shop on the second storey of a tiny plaza somewhere in Choa Chu Kang would have a stall serve up this good a salted egg yolk sotong.

But it was good, and it took us all quite by surprise.

The portions were huge, the sauce was creamy, rich and plentiful, and every piece of the battered calamari, completely covered with the sauce, was crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside.

It has been a while since we have been there, but maybe I can convince my Co-Diner to make a special trip there again- even if it means we got to take that long bus ride.