Friday 4 January 2019

first post of the Year

We are four days into the brand new year, this is the first blogpost of the year, and even though I think I should be writing poetically about my goals, dreams and hopes for the months ahead, instead I'm obsessing about the font color for this post- and I am wondering if I should be using a brand new font color for all of my posts in 2019. 
It sounds shallow, I know, but these are just some of the random, trivial thoughts that pop up in my mind from time to time.
And no matter how hard I try to shove them away to the side, they don't go away.
I used to be embarrassed by their triviality and their childishness.
I used to be ashamed by my form of expression and the way I tend to ramble on in unfocused directions.
But in the year past I have come to realize that the best thing I can do for myself is to learn to embrace myself, my style, my thoughts, my emotions and my expressions.
And that the best thing I can do for my own life is to accept how these odd observations and quirks are in fact part of my personality and my character.
That being said, if last year this blog was transformed into a diary of sorts, this year I hope that it will be a platform with better written content and more focus on narrative, sentence structure, paragraph, voice, color and tone.