Thursday 10 January 2019

flower Memories

We can get all nostalgic about film cameras, rolls of film and film negatives, but if there is one thing I love about digital photography, it is that I can keep the picture for a long time, and not have to worry about it fading, yellowing away, or disappearing into a gray canvas altogether.
These pictures were taken more than ten years ago at the Lunar New Year Flower Festival on Imbiah Hill at Sentosa.
We had gone there, The Parents and I, on the third day of the Lunar New Year holiday, because they had seen the advertisement on television, and decided that it would be very good thing for all of us to take a stroll amongst the little plots of flowers instead of lounging lazily at home watching Cantonese comedy movies on the DVD.
They didn't know I'd brought along the Nikon 4M Camera.
And it was not until we were walking amongst the sun-kissed marigolds, the colourful daisies, the trailing pussy willows and the cheerful chrysanthemums that they realized I had the camera with me.
They were delighted.
So was I.
It was a happy day we spent on Imbiah Hill. I experimented with the camera, taking pictures of flowers as many as the memory card would let me, whilst The Parents admired the blossoms, the butterflies, and the pixie figurines before posing for photographs at the Welcome Banner, the bright pink peonies, and the little plots of daisies.  

I've not been back to Sentosa for the Lunar New Year Flower Festival for a few years now.

And I don't even know if they still organize it these days, but having seen these pictures, having dwelt in these beautiful memories, I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, I should drop in for a quick visit once again.