Saturday, 30 April 2016

Prose versus Point: a WIP

I think I might have overdone it a little.

Looking at everything else that I've written thus far on this blog, I confess, it's become nearly unreadable and admittedly, incomprehensible.

It's embarrassing.... but I guess what's done already done and there's no other route about it but to go back to the drawing board, or the keyboard, in this case.

See, here's what happened:

I thought I would try writing the style that's advocated by social media. We all know that the advance of Tumblr and Twitter and Instagram has made our sentences crispier, shorter, wittier and neater. Instead of elaborate, descriptive vocabulary and longish grammatical sentence arrangements, we're all encouraged to use acronyms, letters, and keep everything we want to say to a maximum of 160 letters. Technology allows it. Technology embraces it. Where once I got a bunch of red lines alerting me to a fragmented sentence in MS Word, now they cease to exist. Where once short sentences were highlighted by the software, now they're accepted as proper forms of expression.

And so down the quest for short sentences and witty lines I went. Emotive words, thought words, whatever description that came into my mind all translated into my fingers and the screen. One-liners, two-liners, they all went down. I thought it would be easier for the writer, and the reader. I thought it was more... honest, more relevant. I thought that by doing so, I would be keeping up with the current trend of writing where my readers would be granted an insight into the thought-flow of fluid succession presented the way it was.

Until I realized that I too was not understanding what the frig I'd written.. and if I could confuse even myself, what more my poor readers?

So there goes the (poorly-attempted) wit and in comes the lengthier descriptions. After all... it's not as if I can't write in prose!