Tuesday, 14 February 2023

All About Hair at BRANCHE

It seems ridiculous, silly even, but I've been struggling to write this article like six times now, and I don't know why. 

I don't know why it is I can't seem to talk (or write) properly about hair salon BRANCHE that's centrally located in the basement of Capitol Piazza along Stamford Road.

Because, in all honesty, how difficult can it be?

How difficult can it be talking about Japanese-style head massages, Japanese-style hair cuts, and Japanese-style hair spas in a salon that has Japanese roots staffed by people who hail straight from Japan?

Yet, here I am, struggling- for the umpteenth time.

It's very irritating.

By all means it should be easy to talk about. 

Might it be, I wonder, that there's so much to talk about I don't know where to start?

Like, I want to tell you about the lobby of the spa side that's been so carefully calibrated to the sense that the cool, comfortable light makes the place look like it's washed in shades of gold, camel bronze, elegant black and forest green. 

And that the room which the lady brought me to was small and cozy with a wash basin (I think), a single recliner chair placed against the wall, and the softest, fluffiest full-sized blanket I had ever felt or seen.

I loved the blanket so much I spent the entire session clutching parts of it in my hands with my arms tucked underneath.

I wish I knew how to describe the head massage that she gave me. 

But (despite watching all the videos on Youtube channel ASMR Twix) the technical terms are still baffling. 

All I can tell you is that she worked her fingers over various parts of my head.

There were some points she pressed down.

There were other points she massaged.

Certain parts at my head's crown I know she pressed down. 

Then certain parts behind my ears, and the back left, back right of my head she massaged a couple of minutes too.

I can't remember whether she pressed down on the center top of my head.

I also can't remember whether she massaged the back center of my head all the way down to my neck. 

The much-calmed and slightly stoned me was half asleep by then.

But I can tell you I'll be coming back for the head massage. 

And I can tell you I'll be coming back for the hair cut, wash, and blow dry too. 

Because if there's anything that means something to me, it is that they've brought their expertise from home country all the way here for individuals who haven't had the chance to experience them first-hand yet. 

It isn't just in the brand name or the skill or the training. 

It's in the way they design your hair according to your face frame. 

It's in the way they make sure you somehow end up looking Japanese even though you didn't intend to. 

And it's in the way they apply cooling gel onto your hair and your head after your shiatsu-style head massage is over.