Tuesday 28 June 2022

Working over Mobile

The IT Department said it was time to add on another piece of gear. 

So I was assigned this. 

Technically it's mine. 

Realistically it goes around the different roles who 'urgently need a tablet, thank you, thank you' until it comes back to me. 

Some days I have it all to myself.

Other times I don't see it for a day or two. 

It's a fairly functional piece of working gear.

With the exception that one needs adapting to Android instead of Office. 

It takes time. 

Like when documents get sent over in the email. 

Or when I want to edit a document that has come in through the mail. 

The built-in Office App tells me I have to subscribe. 

But the IT Department downloads for me Libre Office *use this!* instead. 

Which isn't much of an issue when reading documents.

But writing and editing is a wee bit of a chore. 

Because now I cannot simply open a New Document and start. 

I have to open a New Document, click the Pen button, Save it, Reopen it, Click the Pen button again, Save it (1) then click the Pen button again before I can edit.

It's a bit more of procedure. 

And an extra file in the Documents folder.

It fortunately isn't much of a hassle when it comes to sorting documents or sorting pictures. The system works very much like your phone and it gets easier once you get used to the screen size. 

One thing that puzzles me is how they expect users to post stuff on the Facebook app in portrait mode using the tablet. 

You can read stuff in landscape mode, no problem, but try writing 'what's on your mind' and you have to turn to portrait mode to get it done. 

But some of use keyboards. 

Someone got one for me off Shopee. 

A pastel green one with cover and Bluetooth keyboard. 

It works well. 

Particularly for typing and blogging, which, by the way, is one of the secondary tasks on the tablet.

I've grown more accustomed to working on the tablet digital-nomad style. 

I like how the screen's great, the battery lasts well, and the Bluetooth keyboard is smooth (too). 

In recent weeks I've added Spotify, edited pictures, sorted them, rearranged folders, and made the tablet more mine. 

I only wish I could force the custom font. 

That's one of the things that Android doesn't let you know. 

Yes, you can do it for some of the apps, but not all, and not for Chrome nor Samsung Internet either.

To be honest, it irritates me (a little bit)..

Because I do think this digital nomad thing and tablets are going to be synonymous sooner or later. 

It's just a matter of time. 

Just like how people switched from working at desktops and CPUs to laptops in cafes and co-working spaces, in the same way I feel that the general tech consumer will be switching to tablets more and more. 

Particularly since an increasing number of tasks are cloud-driven, and can now be done over applications, it serves as little surprise if users gradually switch from casual laptops to tablets. 

We're also no longer in an age where 10-inch or a 13-inch tablets are not of serious caliber.

(On the contrary, they are) 

I'd seriously love it if I could change the fonts on my Android Chrome to Kristen ITC and force custom it. :D

Or at least let me make it whatever system font I'm currently using. (Choco cooky, anyone?)

After all, fonts are like visuals of the Latin alphabet (and any other alphabet) and why should they not be in the shape and size that we like, when we're going to be looking at them (almost) all the time?