Tuesday 28 December 2021

Christmas Meals 2021

We ate quite a bit when it came to the close of last year. 

Don't ask me why. 

It just happened. 

Maybe close of year is the time that you really start (wanting) to feast- and you really do. 

There have been years where we do a big buffet of sorts at hotels (because I like gingerbread houses and gingerbread cookies and all the Christmasy type of cakes) but there also have been years where we be precise with our appetites, and head straight for what we want. 

The close of 2021 happened to be a precise one. 

One of the first Christmas meals we had was at Donergy Turkish Kebab in Millennia Walk. 

It might not seem like a very unusual meal nor a very festive one- we frequent this place quite a bit- but there was a little Christmas tree in the premises and we had a much fuller meal than we usually did. 

One of the delights we had that evening was the lentil soup. 

It might be that we hadn't had the soup for some time, but the lovely rich soup (with its texture of chickpea) made for a warm, comforting accompaniment to our plate of chicken kebab, babaganoush, pita bread, salad, extra serving of beef, and long-awaited basket of fries. 

Another Christmas meal we had was at Itacho Sushi. 

We wanted to try their Christmas menu.

It would have been nice if we'd gotten to try everything, but the one that we did- a heap of Hana Maki arranged in the shape of a Christmas tree decorated with tamago presents and tamago cutout stars on the side-  had been made with a lot of heart- and we loved it. 

It was very difficult to eat up the star. 

On Christmas Eve, or was it the day before Christmas Eve, we headed to Shake Shack for their (Christmas) burger. 

Technically it wasn't a Christmas-Christmas kind of burger- there were no sprigs of fir nor were there any sort of decor on it- but my companion wanted to try the truffle, so here we were.

It wasn't too bad. 

In typical Shake Shack style, the beef patties were huge, the cheese was melted just right, and there were enough lettuce, but today's burger had a glorious heap of fried onions with a bit of truffle. 

Those onions- small as they were- made all the difference. 

I should know; when the burger arrived we opened it up, and decided to eat all the onions first.  

Same thing we did for the fries. 

Except that we alternated between the fries, the fried onions and the truffle mayo, so it was all good. 

It wasn't all dining out at Christmas time. 

There was a day where the stove got fired up and we had a meal of pan-fried scallops (yes, the frozen kind) in garlic butter served alongside with buttered rice. 

There was a day where we bought wagyu beef patties  and shallow-fried them with a slice of cheese each and big Portobello mushrooms.

And there was a day we suddenly decided we missed this ham and egg toast done Taiwanese style from Fong Sheng Hao- and had it Grabbed in.