Friday 27 August 2021

Dinner @ Simpang Bedok

This was one of those weekend evenings where you didn't feel like going to town, had already exhausted almost all the dining options in the 'hood and yet didn't want to go very far to another side of the country. 

So, what with us being bum and lazy and all, we decided we'd have dinner at a place which we'd never been to before. 

Ok, so it wasn't a place unknown. 

Neither was it a place we 'd never heard of before. 

Just that we'd never had an opportunity to eat there. 

But this evening we were at the hawker center of Simpang Bedok because Someone had read very good reviews about this oyster omelet from this particular stall and gotten a craving for it. 

Let me first say that this or luak was unlike any other or luak I'd had thus far. 

Maybe I'm suaku. 

Or maybe I haven't eaten as much famous or luak as some of us might have. 

This particular or luak was crispy, seriously crispy, no joke, with plenty of juicy, chubby oysters tucked snugly between the cakes of deep fried flour. 

It tasted like those prawn crackers you buy when you eat from the ngoh hiang stalls. 

You know, that kind where there's a prawn right smack in the center of the cracker and you have to either nibble your way through it or try breaking it into smaller pieces so that everyone can share.

Yeah, it was like that kind.  

This was an or luak where you could feel the oil burst out from every bite of the thin crispy cracker-like piece, and it might make you feel really (greasy) and (cheat day) but it tasted so good, and anyway it didn't have that sort of icky, greasy aftertaste that some other or luaks have. 

It being freshly fried made a great deal of difference. 

I think so. 

Of course, it being well prepared straight from the wok also meant a good fifteen minute wait, so like all hungry stomachs at hawker centers do, we went hunting for other foods elsewhere.  

For some reason we settled on a plate of char kuay teow. 

Let's bring cheat day to the max, I suppose. 

But hey, this was good. 

Well, so the finicky part of me wishes we'd tried the white version- if they had one (because I like the white version more than I like the black) but this plate too came to the table hot and fresh and the best part of it was that the noodles were of a texture where I could easily pick them out bit by bit without needing to eat them from a spoon.

All in all, dinner at Simpang Bedok here made for a very wonderful meal. 

Very hawker, very street food, very local, very shiok. 

Oh, and we had drinks. 

One glass of teh ais and one glass of teh o ais limau. 
