Monday 9 August 2021

Celebrating The Parents

I was very determined that there would be Cake to celebrate The Parents' Days this year. 

Especially since there had been no cake in the month of May last year- cakes are apparently not an essential during lockdown. 

There are times where I wonder if we should resume celebrations the way they used to be, but I've raised the idea- and I get the same answers (separately) each time. 

I guess The Parents are leaning towards simpler styles these days. 

It's come to a phase where it doesn't matter that we don't have leftover cake in the fridge. 

Instead it is the times spent together that we treasure. 

I'm thankful for it. 

I'm thankful for everything that comes my way. 

For the macarons that I bought One Parent last year. 

And the (large sized) slice of cake that I managed to buy for the same Parent this year. 

One thing about Parents is that you never know what to expect. 

So I'm glad to say that The Parent fancied the cake's color and the butterfly and that this yam-flavored sponge confectionary was happily savored at the table (after dinner) along with cups of hot, milky coffee. 
It was also a pleasant, if slightly different, experience for the other Parent a month after. 

Funny thing is that The Parent actually had three choices from three different bakeries, but between Chocolate Crepe, Chocolate Hazelnut, and Chocolate Peppermint, the Peppermint won. 

We had the cake as Dessert after a late night supper of nasi pattaya and kuay teow goreng bought from the coffee shop close by. 

It was lovely- we both enjoyed it- except that for a while we had to play a game of "support the cake" because for some reason, despite the ice packs, the slice seemed to be melting faster than expected (my bad) and so we had to turn it in such a way that we could eat the cake without it collapsing straightaway. 

Let's just say it turned out to be rather fun...