Tuesday 3 November 2020

Daffy at Changi V

It isn't unusual for Daffy to be at Changi Village on a Saturday afternoon.

She's a veteran; she knows her way there, and she's been there many times before. 

What is unusual, or rather, what is a big deal, is that she was there during a season when everyone was encouraged to stay at home, and not go out at all, except for work, for essentials at the supermarkets and the shops, and for exercise. 

There were to be no group activities. 

There were to be no gatherings. 

And no bench could seat two people at any one time because we were all supposed to be one meter apart. 

These rules mattered little to Daffy. 

She was a bike. 

All she needed to do was to get me from East Coast Park to Tanah Merah Coastal Road and Changi V and back. 

And this- she did perfectly well. 

On the contrary, it were her rider- me- who had to have a little bit of adjustment when she got to Changi V. Having gotten used to the routine of parking Daffy and sauntering into the hawker center, now the bike racks were sealed, and there was no where in the hawker center to sit. 

Not just that, you weren't sure whether the rules (really) allowed you to sit on the benches either.

Thankfully the stalls were still open (for takeaway), so whilst she caught her breath and watched the bikes, the cats, and the birds, into the hawker center her co-rider went, coming out a few minutes after with two plastic cups of fresh coconut water in his hand, huge slices of pre-cut coconut flesh swimming inside.