Thursday 5 March 2020

little bites: Lunar New Year 2020

Lunar New Year is a time of feasting, yes, and so what can be a better way than to push through the (slightly sombre) mood of Lunar New Year with an appetite of variety?
Yeah, my Lunar New Year this year had food- lots of it- over a week or so thereabouts, and I'm not regretting it one bit at all.
Because the fact that there were snacks, there were meals, and there were people to have the snacks and meals with was a blessing unto itself, and no way right now am I going to say anything else.
Like, it was a privilege and blessing this year that we had three kinds of pineapple cookies and tarts- one buttery tart, one buttery ball, one margarine roll- all of which we munched moderately and there were more than enough to go around and share.
Like how for dinner on the first day of Lunar New Year we decided that Arnold's Fried Chicken (skin!) was in order and so off we went to the fairly empty outlets for half spring chickens, fries, coleslaw and iced bandung each.
And how we decided to go light the next day and have steamed chicken rice Thai style for lunch.
Of course, festive occasions are occasions for one to go ballistic on fast food, and so on the second day (or was it third) we decided that Mcdonalds was as good as any (don't want bread with olive oil today lah!) and so Grabbed in a Big Breakfast to share. I had two pancakes, two muffins, and half a hash brown.
It wasn't all hot pots and fast food and pineapple snacks though.
There was also a very good plate of mee siam, and a very good plate of chye tow kuay.
Both of which I had at a coffee shop in the 'hood with The Parent during a precious chillax midnight Lunar New Year jaunt.