Wednesday 8 May 2019

Farewell, big TV..

We've not had a television in the officetel for five months now. This one you see above was our last one. and chances are, it is going to be our last one for a fairly long time to come.

There is very little reason to purchase a new television. We don't watch local programming very much (save for the news channel and the bylines running across the screen) and maybe a few significant variety shows like the Chinese New  Year countdown or those flashy and fun ones from China. And although you can say HDMI is always useful, we don't often do large scale presentations or Skype videocalls on it either. The mobile, and the laptop more or less cover it all.

The only thing that I do miss is the Vasantham Channel. It was my go-to source even for weekday entertainment, and I must have watched quite a good number of dramas and movies, new and old, on it. As long as there were subtitles I was good. Very easy, very light entertainment for me. I watched quite a bit of Suria too, and always caught a fancy with the dramas brought in from across the Causeway. It was lovely seeing all the cosy homes and the expanse of fields and grass and trees. 

Will I miss the TV?

In a way, yes, for it has been with the company more than ten years, it has seen a number of road shows, it has seen a number of exhibitions, and it definitely has had its place at the front of a tiny little shop space at Selegie that was situated adjacent to a LAN shop. I don't know how many times we looped the portfolio of videos, and it's been so long I can't even recall what the ROI that our self-advertisement efforts did bring. Even if I know it did bring in something.

Many, many stories this TV would have told, some pleasant, some not so pleasant, but at this stage, one really doesn't remember everything, and the time has come where one has to evolve technologically, where it is no value to buy even a set top box, and so it shall be.