Tuesday 21 May 2019

Bus Ride Sights: more West!

Going by the number of pictures here, it would come as no surprise to anyone if I said that the bus route I took on this day was one of the longer ones spanning cross-country from one end of the island to the other.  
There are few, if none, short bus routes when one begins the journey from Jurong East with a destination on the northeastern end of the country. Well, there are one or two which cut right across the island diagonally, but they weren't the ones I took today.

I've always loved long bus rides. Between the subway and the bus, I like the bus, and if there's no time constraints, the longer the better.
Long bus rides are great for listening to music, chatting with friends, gazing at the scenery, stoning, and daydreaming.  Two out of three I was doing that day until I suddenly realized that the bus was traveling on a route I seldom took, and so decided to stop daydreaming and capture the scenery instead.
I must have begun somewhere around the West Coast Highway, or maybe near the Jln Buroh area, but I know for certain there was the West Coast estate area, the Haw Par Villa area, Pasir Panjang, Alexandra Hospital, Alexandra Road, Queensway, Queenstown and Havelock Road.

Amongst some of the most memorable pictures would probably be that on the Queensway flyover overlooking the expressway- as it isn't possible to walk there, the blocks of flats hidden behind the trees- one doesn't always get such a perspective, and the trees on this open field space where no one really goes and which used to be the old KTM railway train route that has been now converted into the Green Corridor.