Tuesday 8 February 2022

Burger from Two Blur Guys

We had a burger for dinner on New Year's Day. 

It was a good burger. 

I had misgivings at first- the place was empty of customers when we first walked in (and it wasn't that late a dinner hour), but my friend had really wanted a burger- in lieu of Christmas season and everything- and upon looking at the menu, I remembered a positive review about the food at Two Blur Guys.

So we gave them a try. 

I'm glad we did. 

Like someone once told me, it's not always wise to be cynical and judgmental too fast, too soon.

When it comes to the Wagyu burger at this place, I have to agree.

Let me first say that I don't know the details of the burger very well. I wasn't paying attention to the details, and really, I'm the sort who just goes there to eat. 

But I remember the juiciness of the beef patty, the little bits of meat that I could so easily see with every bite, and the cheese (we had two kinds!) which melted so well into the patty, making each mouthful deliciously melty and gooey, and melty and gooey.

It might have been a different experience had I eaten the burger in its entirety, like bun and patty and vegetables and bun all together at one go, but because I didn't- I opened up my burger and ate everything separately- the lettuce seemed extra refreshing. 

As if I were having a side of salad with the burger.

But we weren't. 

We were having a side of delish truffle fries. 

Which were very good, by the way. 

Thick, chunky, crispy and hot, they weren't meagre with the truffle either. 

My friend loved how every fry was seasoned so thoroughly. 

I wish we'd taken a picture. :)
But I'd thought one picture was enough. 

That's what happens when your food is enticing. 

Well, we intend to make a visit there soon enough again. 

This time I hope to try the fish burger (the fillet looked really huge in the picture) and the grilled foie gras, and maybe we'll order a couple of drinks too. 

After all, their shophouse cafe near the Lavender Street edge of Jalan Besar is just too cozy  to simply munch away on a single burger- and go.