Monday 3 January 2022


This is the fifth time I'm trying to write about Matsukiya. 

It's frustrating that my words won't flow the way I want them to. 

I mean, how difficult can it be? 

Look at these pictures. 

Doesn't the food look good? 

Then why am I finding it hard to put into words what it was we ate that night? 

And why am I struggling to describe the dishes as they are? 

Could it be that I have little recollection of what it was we had? 

But, that's not possible. 

Because there are just some flavors you don't forget. 

Like that of the kushiyaki skewer grilled foie gras. 

And that plate of delicious omu rice. 

It is a rare day I get to have foie gras. 

Which is why that bit of rough texture (at the start) sticks in my brain so well.

I hadn't been expecting it. 

I'd thought the fatty goose liver would be only melty and soft. 

But, no, it turned out to be an explosion of textures and flavors which made an impression on me, and which I thoroughly enjoyed.

At first bite there was that bit of (startling) rough but then it gradually transformed into a soft, salty, grilled-meat type of rounded warmth which then lingered on your palate as you let the foie gras slowly disappear and melt away.  

It was good- so good- that I found myself wishing for the whole piece to myself. 

But I was here at the recommendation of my friend, and we had agreed to share. 

I'm definitely going to have my own kushiyaki grilled foie gras the next time I am there. 

I'm also going to have my own omu rice too. 

They do it very well here, by the way, taking what is (considered) a simple, non-descript, almost ordinary dish, but making it remarkable.

It could have been the texture of the Japanese pearl rice that they use (which reminded me of barley)

It could have been the flavor of the sauce. 

It could be that I got intrigued by the half-runny texture of the egg omelet wrapped like a blanket over the rice.

Or it could have been the feels that this plate gave to me overall. 

There're many offerings here at Matsukiya that I'll love to come back and try. 

Like their signature kushiyaki skewers, which, amidst all the offerings they have, include meats, vegetables and seafood. 

I didn't get a clear look of their menu, but I think I saw the shitake mushrooms, and, if I'm not wrong, they've got nice, big scallops too. 

But it wasn't just the foie gras kushiyaki that we had this evening. 

We had grilled salmon (belly?) too.

It's unfortunate, and embarrassing, that I can't seem to remember exactly how the fish tastes like, though. 

The only impression I have of it is the tender softness of the fish, and the slightly burnt, slightly crisp taste of the skin.

After eating three slices of it too... 

Nevertheless I'm thankful for these pictures that I took.

They don't look the best, they may not be the best (in terms of IG-standards and #foodporn) but they're a beautiful reminder of the meal I had at Matsukiya, and they gently speak for me all the little details that I cannot remember.