Tuesday 30 March 2021

Christmas @ Home

We're approaching Easter in a week's time and even though this is four months late, somehow there's no better (or best) time to write about Christmas, Christmas at home, and what it means to The Parents and I. 

We have our own ways of celebrating the season, but if there's one thing that speaks to us, it is the spirit of Joy and the element of Celebration. Not one Christmas has gone by without us bringing out the decor bought from years past and arranging it beautifully on the table. 

The little tabletop Christmas tree with rich red apples and rich red velvet-like fabric presents we place at the corner, the colorful balls that we used to hang on the large Christmas tree we place below it, and in the narrow vase we place all the bling bling that we've bought from stores here and there. 

Our meal in 2020, like the meals of yesteryear, was casual; on the table we had a little bag of Christmas cookies that I'd bought from a bakery, we had our own servings of noodles, and there was, of course, the plate of siew mais that turn up at every celebration because we (especially I) have a special love for them. 

It was a lovely time; Christmas carols on the music player, a warm, comforting meal on the table, and us having all of our favorite foods, plus kid-size cups of chocolate ice cream. 

I wish we could have had the kind of little log cakes that I always buy back for our Christmas meal every year. 

But Christmas 2020, on the whole, was a little bit different- and those little log cakes that we've always had at Christmas mealtime were not on the shelves at the time our (early) celebration was due. 

Nevertheless, a celebration is a celebration, and in a way, I'm glad to have been able to bring these individual sticks of Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte home- I've been waiting to share the flavors of their Christmas drinks in a convenient way for many years. 

Doesn't matter that they're instant. :D

They've got the color, they've got the flavor, and thankfully, when we had that cuppa, there was just that wee hint of winter blowing through the cold, chilly, refreshing rains of our island's December.