Wednesday 27 January 2021

Downtown's Night

So seldom is it that I get to take a slow stroll in the Downtown Core at night that any opportunity which comes by is a very treasured one. 

I don't know how long it has been since I last wandered along the waterfront of the Esplanade at night. Likely it has been a couple of years. But the place is as scenic as it was before- even without the tourists and the crowds. The waters still quietly lap against the concrete wall below the open-air stage, and the winds blowing through the Helix Bridge still muss up your hair. 

Our little route that evening took us from the MBS Waterfront across Helix Bridge down to the floating platform (where the parades are) and along the Esplanade waterfront. There we hung about the Empress Walk a little bit- me thinking about a time where I wandered there in late afternoon sunshine- and then decided to cross the empty Padang towards the National Gallery to take the bus home. 

And whilst I don't usually take pictures of the city after night falls, (Gear does matter) this evening her lights shimmered so beautifully over the still waters of Marina Bay that I threw away whatever past perceptions I had- and snapped the picture.