Wednesday 15 April 2020

Hello, Michael (Hotel)

Coming back to Hotel Michael for a staycay this time had me seeing the place through different eyes as compared to the last.
It wasn't because the place had changed. 
It was because I had changed. 
TO be clear, it wasn't I who had changed, but it were that the circumstances in my life had changed. 
Where at one time I was here for a work trip and had to rush through paperwork in one single night to be on time for an early morning submission the next day, this time there was no such deadline obligation and I had the freedom of mind to go out onto the balcony and admire the view.
Where at one time my colleague had to wake up early just to go down to the (then) Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf just to do the necessary online submissions before the start of day, this time there was complimentary wifi in the room for one's use.
Better yet, best in fact, the purpose for those wee hour submissions was concluded, done with, and over.
It was a very liberating feeling to be coming back here this time.
For once I could really, really look at the scenery.
For once I could really, really appreciate the room without having to think about utilizing the space (papers!!!).
And for once I could really, really lounge on the comfortable bed and watch my ongoing drama with a bag of snacks (the edamame ones from Daiso!) by my side.
A wonderful thing it was, then, that the room was the same as it had been like the very first time. Her furniture, honey-hued and covered with maple wood, was as wide and bold as I remembered it to be. Her bathroom- with wide basin, her distinctive round-shaped shower area and her shiny blue mosaic tiles- was the same. And in the corner of the room stood the circular-shaped mini bar area with coffee and sachets of TWG tea.
The view from the room that I had this time was different from the first, or even earlier times.
Often it was that I would get either the view that overlooked the large fountain below (and from which I got to see the 930pm show) or the view that overlooked parts of the theme park and the rails of the Sentosa Express.  
This time I got a view of the roller coaster (which was still running, by the way), little sections of Artillery Avenue down below, and parts of the newly opened Barracks Hotel opposite.
It was charming to be able to see the fun vibes of Universal Studios Singapore on my left juxtaposed with the historical vibes of the island's military past on my right, and after dusk fell, I spent a good amount of time on the balcony quietly contemplating the significance of those lights switched on in the hotel across the road. 
We sometimes forget that there were electric lamps in those days, and from the mainland across the water, the orange glow from those lamps would have been clearly seen.
That's the wonderful thing about the State of Fun. On one hand, there are the touristy, beachy, sand and sea vibes of Sentosa. On the other hand, there are also icons from the times when the island was still Pulau Blakang Mati.
I guess there are some parts of a place's history that cannot, and will not go away.
It was a most comfortable snooze I had that night- at 230am (dramas reign!)- on a snuggly mattress topped with bedsheets cool to the touch, and fluffy, huggable double pillows. 
What time the next morning I woke up, I don't know, but there was buffet  breakfast over at  the Hard Rock Hotel side, and this morning meal was something I was exceptionally thankful for- it being that breakfast in the standard room package was not something I previously had. :)
We can love supper. We can love afternoon tea. But don't underestimate the effect that a breakfast buffet counter full of variety can have on the soul. If the sight of scrambled eggs, salads, toast, sausages, bacon, baked beans, congee, fried noodles, pancakes, waffles fruit and more does not bolster you up for a great day ahead, very little else can.