Sunday, 3 January 2016

flaring in new year's Day

a year, oh, what a year.
discovery unforeseen.
situations unprepared for.
shocks uncalled for.
details i don't want to speak of. not anymore.
too many there are.
i didn't know what i wanted to do this year.
i only know i wanted to see the year quietly pass.
and i know i wanted to see them.
~the flares~
no seat? wait, there's one.
wet seats from the earlier rain? no problem.
plastic bags from the supermarket where we'd gotten drinks onto the chairs.
problem solved.

the camera, it was the camera!
and there they were, silently, magically, one after another,
starting from the east. a blast, a flare, a blast, a flare.
fourteen there were. i counted.
rising above into the darkness of night.
quietly they drift... from starboard to bow, their orange flares illuminating like precious jewels in the night sky.
as if bidding one a fond farewell and a silent hi and hello into the other...